Nail fungus – an infection caused by pathogenic fungal organisms. Occurs frequently, according to statistics, every 3rd of the country's population suffers from this problem on your feet. Infect is easy, but in the timely prevention and hygiene, you do not worry about it.

Treatment – long process, involves not only the use of drugs, but also carry out preventive measures. Therefore, the processing of the shoes in fungus toenails – an important ingredient, without it, the treatment does not bring positive result. Disinfection prevents the re-emergence of the disease. In the processing of footwear with the use of the substance, effectively fighting with the nail fungus on the feet.
Disinfection acetic acid, formalin, chlorhexidine
Acetic acid, formaldehyde and chlorhexidine belongs to the chemical substances, therefore, processing is only possible in glove to cause irritation of the skin sheets. Before starting the shoes washed and dried.
The process of decontamination is simple.
- moisten a swab of cotton wool in the prepared substance;
- wipe the side surface, a pair of socks;
- remove the liner, completely of their processing;
- the shoes fold into a package of polyethylene, close in, put in a warm place for one day;
- after the expiration of the time to find, ventilate 2-3 days.
After applying the formalin, shoes treated with ammonia rubbing alcohol
This limits its effects, helps to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.
Spray a disinfectant
Nail fungus on the feet, it is completely destroyed in the processing of footwear this means, as is the spray. Antifungal drugs prevent the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, in their systematic use.
The technology of applying is easy. Fully process the shoes and inserts. Put in a bag at night, in the morning get, ventilate the area.

Pharmacy disinfection
The processing of the shoes in the fungus toenails is performed antiseptic, which is sold in a pharmacy. It is special and non-core products are manufactured in the form of liquids, ointments or tablets.
Chlorhexidine or Miramistin?
For disinfecting footwear when fungus nails used chlorhexidine and Miramistin. To resolve the efficiency of each instrument, it is necessary to determine their benefits.
Medicine completely destroys the fungal microflora. It has no colour and is odourless, does not leave after use of spots on the surface. Can be purchased in any pharmacy at a low price. For processing it is necessary a small amount of resource, which is impregnated with a cotton swab.
Effectively cope with pathogenic fungi only 1% of the solution
Means with the smallest concentrations without having to cope with mold, while using the completely useless.
Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agent, killing the causative agents of disease at the cellular level. Ideal for comprehensive treatment, apply to skin and footwear. Does not cause irritation or allergic reactions.
The downside of the tools is the high cost and large consumption. For disinfection it is wiser to buy a big bottle of volume 500 ml.
Processing technology the same for each drug. After application wrap your shoes in packing from a polyethylene at night, after the expiry thoroughly ventilate. Experts say that Miramistin is expensive counterpart to the Chlorhexidine, even if the composition of the drugs differ.
Special anti-fungal remedies
Special means against fungal infections will allow you to completely get rid of the fungal pathogens, preventing their overgrowth. Pharmacies offer a wide range of similar drugs.
The processing of special means against mold and mildew of the shoes in a few days to completely rid her of the presence of mold spores.
Uv appliances
The processing of the shoes in the fungus toenails is performed by the ultraviolet equipment. Work of the device is based on the radiation spectrum uv radiation, effectively fights with the representatives of the disease. The temperature at which they operate modern instruments, is equal to 70 degrees. Completely harmless for humans, animals and the environment. Many devices have the function of drying, to the well dried out the boots, because high humidity is an ideal environment for mold development.
When using the device there is no need to think about the benefits of radiation on the skin, is the main impact is on the fabric and the inner surface of the footwear.

Moist disinfectant wipes
There is still one option — processing of the shoes from the mold using wet wipes for disinfection. They are impregnated with a special anti-fungal solution, does not contain any active chemical substances that cause irritation or allergy to skin skin. Convenient to use, compact. Apply for surface treatment of footwear, the soles of the feet, another surfaces. They are often used for Slippers into the solarium or sauna.
Wet wipes – an effective means of combating fungal microflora, according to the validity of the action is not worse than other types of drugs. Can be used for children.
Home and folk remedies
Sufficiently effective in the processing of footwear from the mold of the folk recipes based on vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and other funds, available in every home.
On the basis of vinegar essence
It is considered an excellent means for struggle with nail fungus on your feet, because they die in the acidic environment. Use it should be 40% of the essence, not vinegar. Before use wear protective gloves and glasses, then wipe inner surface of shoes. Put into the packaging made of polyethylene for a few hours. Get well ventilated.
The disadvantage of the method is considered to be the sharp smell and harmful effects on the rubber, and artificial skin. Therefore, the pre-it is worth it to test the reaction of material on a small inconspicuous place. When disinfecting with this method to open all the windows, or carry out the procedure on the balcony.
On the basis of hydrogen peroxide,iodine
For processing to prepare a solution of:
- 250 ml of water;
- 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide;
- 4-6 drops of iodine.
All the ingredients a good shake in a container with a spray can, apply it on the inner surface of the footwear.
Hydrogen peroxide is able to kill mold spores, so the way is considered inefficient. It is necessary to be careful, the substance oxidized shoes, as a result it may change color or get rotten.
On the basis of a solution of formalin 25%
The processing of nails on the foot spends a solution of formalin 25%, which you can buy at the pharmacy.
Solution may cause an allergic reaction, it is necessary to work in gloves
The solution is spread on the shoes, which are then placed into a package, leave for the night, in this package, you should be well bound. Morning shoes get, ventilate the area, the fungus completely destroyed after several applications.

A variety of apparatus and equipment
The processing of the shoes in the fungus toenails are carried out in different apparatuses, but they all operate on the same principle – using the uv radiation, killing the spores of pathogenic microflora. Usage is simple, into every pair placed special inserts for some time. Then, using a dehumidifier shoes dried certain period of time.
Manufacturers represent different instruments, some working from the power network, others the same – use batteries. What device is easy to use, you need to decide.
Than to process the shoes to prevention before nail fungus
For the prevention of shoes is solved by means which include silver, copper and zinc. These elements of natural origin are safe for the skin, they do not have a pungent odor, is not disappearing from the surface.
Before sanitizing the shoes wash well, pat dry. After this cause you spray on the shoes and of the insole. Drying shoes, avoid exposure to direct rays of the sun. Specialized tools provide a full guarantee of protection from nail fungus.
Personal hygiene and the processing of socks
Personal hygiene will prevent the formation of mold and mildew:
- Wash your feet in morning and evening time.
- After washing, rinse your feet with cold water.
- Use scrubs and peels on your feet.
- Well wipe your feet with a towel, paying special attention to the areas between the toes.
- Shoes should be made of natural materials.
- Not wear someone else's shoes.
- Do not walk barefoot in the spa, saunas, swimming pools.
- The feet should be kept dry.
- Shoes may not be the closer.

To prevent the occurrence of mold, it is necessary every day to change socks, tights and stockings. For washing use ordinary powder, well npopláchněte and dry the product.
After the disease is not possible else hosiery-hose products. It is possible to process the chlorhexidine, after which the pathogenic microflora is destroyed completely. Of folk remedies is the perfect temperature is with baking soda and soap.
Disinfection can be a variety of drugs and devices, the main thing to remember is, to achieve the outcome of the procedure shall be carried out regularly. In addition, do not forget about personal hygiene, only in this case will be healthy and beautiful legs.